Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Universality of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is the Church of Christians built by Christ himself. That's what I've been taught. That's also what I believe to be true. I'm not difficult to convince. After all, I've been raised a Catholic.

In fact, I have taken many fundamental things about my faith for granted. Yeah, God is there and He loves us and in some unfathomable ways we're part of Him, literally speaking.

In the Catholic Church we go as far as saying that this bond with God is true up to the physical plane, through the Eucharist. We eat the Body of Christ and so therefore we're part of God and God is in us. How physical can you get here?

This bond with God has been the point of contention for many millenia between God and man, such that God has to send forth the Son to stress this point! Someone has to die to convey this point! How important can that point be?

We're lost children of His Kingdom, thay's why; and, every time somebody acnowledges that bond with God, Someone very important in heaven says, "Hurray!"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jesus Christ, God AND Man in One Person: Why Not?

I went through Church readings that emphasized the oneness of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. There were no separate natures. There was simply one man -- Jesus -- who was also God.

It is a doctrine not easily accepted by non-Christians, and even by sects who label themselves "Christian." How on earth can God "die" as Jesus did? That's the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ.

Reflecting on it, I saw that this is a doctrine I accept without question. I submit to the teaching authority of the Magisterium on matters of faith.


This is the Church established by Christ himself. To me, the fact that this Church is being persecuted for centuries even from within, and still remains, only strengthens that point.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

CFC Sector Leaders Explained ANCOP to GK Project Directors

Our Sector Leader in Couples for Christ West B Sector explained ANCOP last night to GK Project Directors. It started with songs of praise and worship. What followed was an open and spirit-filled discussion. Questions were freely thrown in and answers were kindly laid down.

Bro Arnel Santos, CFC West B Sector Head and former GK Project Director of one of the sector's 36 GK sites, answered questions and concerns from GK Project Directors present. Beside him was Bro Jan Crisol, Gawad Kalinga West B Sector Coordinator.
Everyone went home afterwards with lifted morale. It was not because all questions were answered. But it was because of the fact that such a meeting occurred at all! And with quite an impressive attendance at that! Anxieties, confusions and frustrations were expressed and assurances were given.