Sunday, March 1, 2015

Here is Why Your Faith Won't Save You

You may be doing all the things a Catholic does: go to Mass, pray the Novena, say the Rosary, make the sign of the cross as you pray before meals, go to orphanages, etc. But then something might still be bothering you: isn't it enough to believe in Jesus?

I mean, you may be asking, at least in your mind, "Why do we need to do all these stuff that the Church is telling us to do?"

There's a long answer below. But to those who are busy, here are the quick answers:
  1. Is faith in Jesus enough? No, it is not enough. It is the means to salvation, but salvation is the more important thing.
  2. Why do we do all these 'stuff' that the Church tells us to do? To obey Jesus.
Having faith in Jesus and obeying Him are two different things!