Sunday, October 25, 2015

Proclaiming our Christian Faith Through Social Media and Blogging

Writing is a gift. By extension, so is blogging. It's something I can't take out of my system, although it may hibernate from time to time.

I've been active in social media the past year, sharing the gospel of the Lord everyday, to the extent possible, in our Cool Catholics Facebook PageTwitter account and Instagram account. Thanks to all the 814 FB followers, 773 Twitter followers and 190 Instagram followers as of this writing.

We think it's time to resume blogging. There's just so much to write about being Catholic in this day and age, particularly those happening at our end, which may be worth sharing. You see, there are so many things happening around us. They're all in the news - the wiping out of Christians in the Middle East by ISIS, the intervention of Russia to protect Christians, the persecution of Christians through anti-Christian laws enacted in Europe and USA.

I see only one way of glorifying God and contributing to the solution - through witnessing for Christ in every medium available to us. To witness is to tell the world of what we see. To witness is to proclaim that beyond the chaos in the world today, perhaps all of it man-made, is a loving God who has given us the gift of free will. God invites us to be His co-creators on earth and in heaven.

Some will accept the invitation and live. Some will reject and perish in the end times.

To witness isn't as easy as it sounds. We can't talk without walking. To be effective witnesses, we need to live it. Is Christ really our King? Do we converse with Him everyday? How devoutly do we show respect to his Body, the Eucharist? How passionately do we live according to Catholic teaching in between Masses?

When all 1 billion Catholics worldwide testify in their own little way, we truly become the salt of the earth. We move the world instead of being moved otherwise. We become like rocks in the middle of the storm. Christ is with us.

This is exactly what Jesus has prepared us for and we are ready. This is what Cool Catholics is about. It's cool to be Catholic in this day and age. 

~ Marvin

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