Sunday, March 1, 2015

Here is Why Your Faith Won't Save You

You may be doing all the things a Catholic does: go to Mass, pray the Novena, say the Rosary, make the sign of the cross as you pray before meals, go to orphanages, etc. But then something might still be bothering you: isn't it enough to believe in Jesus?

I mean, you may be asking, at least in your mind, "Why do we need to do all these stuff that the Church is telling us to do?"

There's a long answer below. But to those who are busy, here are the quick answers:
  1. Is faith in Jesus enough? No, it is not enough. It is the means to salvation, but salvation is the more important thing.
  2. Why do we do all these 'stuff' that the Church tells us to do? To obey Jesus.
Having faith in Jesus and obeying Him are two different things!

You will find the scriptural basis of these answers in the gospel today, the second Sunday of Lent. In the gospel reading about the Transfiguration, the Father clearly said,

“This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” (Mark 9:7 NAB)

To have faith in Jesus is essential, indeed. No less than the Father Himself has declared Jesus as his Son!

But in that the same declaration, the Father said something else. He said, "Listen to him". What could that mean?

What listening meant was illustrated in the first reading today, when God put Abraham to the test. There was no question about Abraham's faith. But if Abraham did not listen and obey, would he have brought his son Isaac to Moria to offer him as a sacrifice? That action ran against all logic, right? I mean, if you were Abraham, wouldn't you ask why would God, the one who gave him a son in his old age, would want to take that son away almost in a whim?

But Abraham listened and heard God very clearly:

Then God said: Take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. There offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the heights that I will point out to you. (Gen 2:22 NAB)

Then Abraham obeyed. Sadly, yes. But he obeyed. He went to Moriah with his son Isaac to do what God instructed him to do.

What a faith! What obedience as well! Can you do what Abraham did?

Clearly, it is NOT enough to just believe in Jesus and avoid sin. Faith must lead to listening and obedience. In other words, faith manifesting in action!

All these things that we do as Catholics we do in faith and obedience to Jesus:

  1. Why do we attend the Mass? Because Jesus said so (see Luke 22:19)
  2. Why do we say the Rosary? That's because Jesus told us to behold Mary (John 19:27), the angel Gabriel himself said, "Hail, favored one" (Luke 1:28) and Mary herself prophesied it (Luke 1:48)
  3. Why do we pray the Novena? The root of this practice goes back to the days before the Pentecost when Jesus, before ascending, told them "not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for “the promise of the Father* about which you have heard me speak" (Acts 1:4 NAB).
  4. Why do Catholics serve the poor and the disadvantaged? Again, because Jesus said so by his deeds and by his words about the judgment day (Matthew 25:31-46)

Remember, Satan and the devils believed in Jesus too (Mark 1:24). We need to do more than that. We need to listen to Jesus, obey His commandments and imitate His love and humility in our lives. Obedience was something Satan would never do and you'd sense Satan in action when we see lack of humility.

In what way can you be more like Jesus today? Let me suggest five things:

First, PRAY

Scholars say Jesus prayed every morning around 4am. I believe Jesus allows you to choose your own time and stick with it. Start by praying for at least 15 minutes every day.

What time would you choose for that?

Second, STUDY the Word

There is no doubt that, even as a child, Jesus was already well-versed with Scripture. After all, when Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the temple 3 days after they lost him, Jesus was discussing scripture with the elders there. Start by reading the Bible at least 15 minutes every day.

Do you have a Bible at home? If so, which time of the day would you choose to read it?

Third, SERVE the poor and the disadvantaged

Volunteer! Then most importantly, do that in the name of Jesus. The life of Jesus on earth is dotted with service.

How can you make someone else's life --- whether family, friend or stranger --- better today?

Fourth, HAVE FELLOWSHIP with everyone

This can be confusing. Yes, we have fellowship with everyone. First, with brothers and sisters who are with you in the same path to holiness; and, secondly, with other people as a witness for Jesus. Jesus himself shared meals with so-called "sinners", not to join them, but to touch their hearts and let them see the light.

What Church organization are you part of today?


For others, particularly those not yet so familiar with the sacraments in the Catholic Church, this can be where the rubber hits the road. The sacraments are touch points with Jesus; thus they should be taken seriously.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion for instance is about receiving the real body of Christ, through the Eucharist. You need to study scripture to understand why that is. You need faith to fashion your life around the Eucharist. Coz, when Catholics say, Jesus lives, we literally mean it, because of the Eucharist.

When was the last time you took holy communion?

God bless you and your household!

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