Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Who's the servant? Who's not?

When you find yourself surrounded by people who would readily smile and shake hands with politically correct thieves, destroyers of young lives and the incompetent, rather than work with someone who swears, seriously runs after hardened criminals and promote meritocracy in society, then you'd simply know that you need to shed off a lot of things.

This is an imperfect world that gives us an array of imperfect options. So, let's do a bit of reflection.

When a criminal enters a man's home and touches his family, that man will tackle that criminal and kill him on the spot if the situation so requires. Only then can we expect that man to pause and pray for that lost soul and, perhaps, his own. That man won't care about any political correctness nor the prospect of going to jail. All he'd care about is the survival and honor of his family, whatever that would take.