Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sin is the Absence of God

Four years ago, I had a protracted discussion online about religion with a friend who left the Church. You have an idea how "pleasant" that discussion was, right? I held up my "fort" for weeks until someone hacked his email account and silence enveloped our channel for 4 years. He complained to me about that a few days ago. Not wishing he'd begin insinuating that I did the hacking, I told him about Google's 2-step verification system.

Image Credits: http://bit.ly/28Lp0ZC

Anyhow, without boring you with details about what we discussed, I just thought at first that he was a born again Christian. Deeper into our discussion, I saw that he was an agnostic. Just recently, a chance conversation with him (seemingly from outer space) blew me away as he declared, "Life did not start with conception! Life started billions of years ago" or something like that.